Effective Self-Care and Spiritual Wellness Tips for Cancer Patients  

Taking a holistic approach to cancer treatment means treating the body, mind, and spirit. In addition to the traditional medical treatments recommended by your doctor, complementary medicine can offer additional relief from pain, stress, sleep problems, anxiety, fatigue, and nausea. Here are some simple ways to care for your mind, body, and soul as you navigate your diagnosis.

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 Embrace a Holistic Treatment Approach

 Most cancer patients would try anything to feel better. This is why many people with cancer turn to integrative medicine. Integrative medicine is a treatment approach that involves treating the whole person, not just the disease. Connecting with professionals who specialize in different areas of holistic cancer treatment can boost your wellbeing and help you manage your cancer symptoms as you progress through your treatment.

While conventional cancer treatment is mostly focused on treating the disease and its symptoms, a holistic approach looks at the whole body as a system. By taking steps to improve muscle strength, reduce tension, relieve anxiety, and control fatigue, and supply the body with high-quality nutrients, you may be able to reduce your treatment side effects and enjoy a higher quality of life during your battle with the disease.

A holistic approach to cancer treatment should not replace conventional medicine. Modern interventions are critical to the success of your treatment. If your cancer isn’t responding to the treatments recommended by your doctor, you may consider participating in a clinical trial. These trials exist to determine whether new treatments are safe and effective for the general population. You can find clinical trials for your particular diagnosis by searching online. For example, if you have breast cancer, you can find trials focused on triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), immunotherapy, and targeted therapy.

 Find Ways to Relax

Almost everyone experiences an increase in stress when they receive a cancer diagnosis. Unfortunately, this heightened level of stress can stick around long after your initial diagnosis, becoming a chronic condition that only worsens your other symptoms. Finding ways to relax is essential. Pick up calming hobbies like knitting, reading, painting, photography, or writing. Take a bath and listen to a podcast to get your mind off your diagnosis for a little while. Also, whenever possible. spend time with your family whenever possible.

Relaxation exercises can also be beneficial. Try progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing, and guided imagery. Yoga and meditation can help to ease tension and improve your ability to cope with stress. As an added benefit, Healthline reports that keeping your body moving with a regular yoga practice has been shown to reduce fatigue, improve physical functioning, boost sleep quality, and reduce the risk that your cancer will return in the future.

 Stay Hydrated and Well Fed

Eating well is an important part of cancer treatment. Eating during and after treatment will help you feel better and stay strong, but the disease and its treatment can cause problems with your appetite. Try to get the calories and essential nutrients your body needs to heal. Dietary supplements can help but getting your vitamins and minerals from real food is even better. Try eating small, frequent meals and snacking on healthy options like fruits and vegetables. Focus on eating foods rich in protein like nuts, lean meats, eggs, and beans.

 Staying hydrated is also important for your treatment and overall wellbeing. Pancreatic Cancer Action Network recommends drinking one cup of water every hour between 8 am and 5 pm to ensure you get plenty of fluids throughout the day.

 Treating cancer is about more than making countless visits to the doctor. To keep your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health in top shape, try to take an integrative approach to healing. Take advantage of holistic health services and be mindful of your mental wellbeing as you work your way through treatment.

Emma Grace Brown lives her life by her rules, and it works! When she's not snuggling puppies, Emma promotes female empowerment through her website. Her mission is to help those who live with self-doubt to realize they don't have to mold themselves to conventionality.
